Laboratory of Biocybernetics

Older papers and technical reports (up to 1996)

  1. Augustyniak P.: Computer system for electronystagmogram analysis,  Elektrotechnics, vol. 11, No. 4, 1992 (in Polish).
  2. Augustyniak P.: Programming a computer system for electronystagmogram analysis, Elektrotechnics, vol. 12, No. 1,  1993 (in Polish)
  3. Augustyniak P., Miszczak D.: Testing the Quality of the Algorithms for Automated Electrocardiogram Analysis. Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the Polish Society of Medical Physics, Krakþw, Sept. 15-18, 1995.
  4. Augustyniak P.: Delimitation of the Diagnostic Parameters of an Electronystagmogram Using Signal Filtration in the Time-Frequency Domain and Adaptively Selected Characteristics. Proceedings of the  I National Conference on Mathematics Applications in Biology and Medical Sciences, Zakopane 26-29. 09. 1995.
  5. Augustyniak P.: Toolbox for wavelet signal analysis. Proceedings of the I National Conference of MATLAB Users, Krakþw 14-15. 11. 1995 (in Polish).
  6. Barylak, P.: Modifications of Time Delayed Neural Networks. Proc. of GRONICS '95 - Groninger International Information Technology Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 1995 []
  7. Gorgoþ M.:  VLSI Based Pipeline Architecture for Real Time Image Preprocessing,  Proceedings of the 5th Microcomputer School of Computer Vision  and Graphics,  Zakopane, Wyd. Format Wroc'aw 1994.
  8. Gorgoþ M.:  FPGA Implementation of Dedicated Image Processor, Proceedings of the 7th Microcomputer School "VLSI and Asic Design",  Baligrþd - Bystre, Wyd. Format Wroc'aw 1995.
  9. Gorgoþ M.: Evaluation of   Efficiency the Dedicated Processors in Image Preprocessing Tasks, Ph.D. Thessis, in Polish, AGH Technical University, 1995.
  10. Grabska-Chrzþstowska J.: Analysis of the suitability of neural networks for determining straight-line parameters in discrete binary images, Scientific Bulletins of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Ser. Automatics, Bulletin No. 66, pp. 79-100, Krakþw, 1993a (in Polish).
  11. Grabska-Chrzþstowska J.: Evaluation of the possibility to reduce input information during training of neural networks, Scientific Bulletins of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Ser. Automatics, Bulletin No. 66, pp.151-180, Krakþw, 1993b (in Polish).
  12. Grabska-Chrzþstowska J.:  Sensitivity of neural networks to input data presentation. Proceedings of the I National Conference "Neural Networks and their Applications," Kule, 12-15.04.1994 (in Polish).[]
  13. Izworski A.: Neural networks learning vector quantization, Scientific Bulletins of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Ser. Automatics, Bulletin No. 66, pp.129-150, Krakþw, 1993 (in Polish).
  14. Izworski A., Mikrut Z., Pawlik P.: Voice-control of robot motion using a neural network, Scientific Bulletins of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Ser. Automatics, Bulletin No. 66, pp.58-78, Krakþw, 1993a (in Polish).
  15. Izworski A., Barylak P.: Polish phoneme recognition using TDNN networks, Proceedings of OSA'94, Wroc'aw, 335-338, 1994b
  16. Izworski A.: Phoneme recognition versus classification of words isolated with neural networks of various architectures, Proceedings of the I Conference "Man-Computer Voice-Communication," Wroc'aw, 27-32, 1995a
  17. Izworski A.: Speech processing and recognition using neural networks in the MATLAB environment. Proceedings of the I National Conference of MATLAB Users, Krakþw, 1995b.
  18. Migacz A., Tadeusiewicz R.: Computer model of the phenomenon of competition between bee colonies in the field, Automated Control and Telemechanics Archives, vol XXVI, fascicle 2, pp.  253 - 263, 1981 (in Polish).
  19. Migacz A.,  Tadeusiewicz R.: A computer model of the  bee colony, System  Science,  vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 83 - 95, 1983.
  20. Mikrut Z., Tadeusiewicz R.: Identification and simulation of a neural cell on digital computer. Archive of Automatics and Telemechanics, vol. 22, no.3, 1978 (in Polish).
  21. Mikrut Z., Trþbka W.: A Trial of Cybernetic Explanation of the Development and  Regression  of  Benign  Child  Epilepsy. Acta Physiol. Polonica 1986, 37.
  22. Mikrut Z., Tadeusiewicz R.: Automatic visual identification of objects on robotized work-stands. Elektrotechnics, vol. 9, No.3-4, pp. 485-499, Krakþw, 1990 (in Polish).
  23. Mikrut Z., Tadeusiewicz R.: Methodology of experiments with image-recognizing neural networks, Scientific Bulletins of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Ser. Automatics, Bulletin No. 66, pp.7-30, Krakþw, 1993 (in Polish).
  24. Mikrut Z.: Hand-written digit recognition using neural networks with various architectures. Scientific Bulletins of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Ser. Automatics, Bulletin No. 66, pp.30-58, Krakþw, 1993a (in Polish).
  25. Mikrut Z.: The dilemna of estimating the number of hidden layer elements in a pattern-recognizing neural network. Proceedings of the I National Conference "Neural Networks and their Application," Kule, 12-15.04.1994 (in Polish).
  26. Mikrut Z.: Estimation of the hidden layer size based on analysis of neural networks for handwritten digit recognition, Appl. Math. and Comp. Sci., vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 343-352, 1994a.
  27. Mikrut Z., Bubliþski Z., Popiela-Mizera A., Grzesik S., Zajþc A.: A Dedicated Algorithm for Object Identification in Medical Images, Image Processing and Communications, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 43-58, 1995.
  28. Miszke A., Rapacz S., Augustyniak P., Soko'owski J.: Computer analysis of the caloric test, Polish Otolaryngology (bimonthly publication) Vol, XLVII No. 1 1993 (in Polish).
  29. Ogiela M.: The Assessment of the Possibilities of Computer-Based Image Processing for Pancreatic Duct Visualization. Image Processing and Communications, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 59-74, 1995.
  30. Pawlik P.: Representation of knowledge in neural networks - single-neurone learning effects analysis, Scientific Bulletins of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Ser. Automatics, Bulletin No. 66, pp.101-118, Krakþw, 1993 (in Polish).
  31. Pawlik P., Bubliþski Z.: Application of neural networks to the analysis of industrial images. Appl. Math. and Comp. Sci., vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 463-474, 1994. []
  32. Tadeusiewicz R., Migacz A.: Analysis of the suitability of a simulation model of bee colonies sharing a territory, in bee farming, V National Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering,  Warszawa, pp. 73 - 76, 1981c (in Polish).
  33. Tadeusiewicz R.: Computer image analysis and its applications, Electrotechnics, vol. I, No. 2, pp. 85 - 94, 1982a (in Polish).
  34. Tadeusiewicz R., Pachowicz P.: Model of the ciliate cell in the human Corti organ, Elektrotechnics, vol. 1,  No. 4, pp. 143 - 154, 1982b (in Polish)
  35. Tadeusiewicz R.: Hierarchical programming of the image analysis and recognition system, I National Conference "Signal Processing in Telecommunication, Command and Control," pp. 220 - 224, 1984 (in Polish).
  36. Tadeusiewicz R., Ksiþþkiewicz-Jþ|wiak B., Wszo'ek W.: Spectral evaluation criteria for speech deformation in stomatological prosthetics, VII National Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering,,  pp.39 - 42, Gdaþsk 1985 (in Polish).
  37. Tadeusiewicz R.: Sugar curve computer evaluation methods, International Symposium on System -  Modelling - Control,  pp. 127 - 130, Zakopane, 1986.
  38. Tadeusiewicz R.: Artificial intelligence - auxiliary or creative tool in diagnostics, In a review publication supervised by Cz. Cempel - Diagnostics, pp. 75 - 82,  Politechnika Poznaþska (Poznaþ Technical University), Poznaþ - Rydzyna, 1987 (in Polish)
  39. Tadeusiewicz R.: Role of the visual subsystem in robot control systems, Publication of the  Institute of Technical Cybernetics PW, No. 75, pp. 249 - 256, Wroc'aw 1988a (in Polish).
  40. Tadeusiewicz R.: Visual systems  for industrial robots, Proceedings of the III National Conference "Signal Processing in Telecommunication, Command and Control," pp.r 1 - 2, Bydgoszcz 1988b (in Polish).
  41. Tadeusiewicz R.: Biocybernetic modelling of the locomotor system, Mechanics, vol , fascicle 2, pp. 87 - 105, 1989a (in Polish).
  42. Tadeusiewicz R.: Models of neural-like networks and information processing in biological perceptual systems, Cybernetics-intelligence-development, PTC, pp.. 119 - 152, Siedlce 1989b (in Polish).
  43. Tadeusiewicz R.: The Multiprocessor Architectures for  Image Processing. Lecture Notes on Computer Vision and  Artificial Intelligence, Ossolineum, pp.  223 - 269, Wroc'aw 1990.
  44. Tadeusiewicz R.: Neural networks - guide, Elektrotechnics, vol. 10, No. 2, pp.  125 - 167, 1991 (in Polish)
  45. Tadeusiewicz R.: Pattern recognition. In: "Komputerowe metody i techniki w automatyce," (Computer methods and techniques in automated control),  AGH publ. No. 1285, pp. 290 - 308, Krakþw, 1991 (in Polish)
  46. Tadeusiewicz R., Mikrut Z.: Neural networks applied to visual pattern recognition - a comparative study. Appl. Math. and Comp. Sci., vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 397-412, 1994a.
  47. Tadeusiewicz R.: Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of "Intelligent Information Systems", IPI PAN, Warszawa 1994, pp. 410 - 426, Warszawa 1994b.
  48. Tadeusiewicz R., Mikrut Z.: Pattern recognition using neural networks. Proc. of the 8-th System-Modelling-Control Conference, Zakopane, Poland, 1995, pp.136-145.
  49. Trþbka W., Tadeusiewicz R.: Simulation Research  Concerning the Destabilization in Neuron-like Networks, Biocybernetics and Biomedical  Engineering, vol. 8, No. 1-4, pp. 145-155, 1988.
  50. Wszolek W., Izworski A.: Concentration analysis in differentiation of speech pathologies resulting from dental prosthetics, Proceedings of the OSA'94, Wroc'aw, 433-436, 1994a  (in Polish).
  1. Augutyniak P., Tadeusiewicz R.: Improve the Quality of Diagnostic Parametres of an Elctronystagmogram Using Signal Filtration in the Time-Frequecy Domain and Adaptively Adjusted Chracteristics, Proc. of. the IEEE-SP Int. Symp. Time Frequency and Time Scale Analysis, Paris, 1996, pp. 380-384
  2. G¢recki H., Tadeusiewicz R.: Perspektywy rozwoju w zakresie technik informatycznych dla nauki, W materia’ach Konferencji "Zaawansowane techniki informacyjne w nauce polskiej", Cyfronet, Krak¢w, 1996, ss. 17-26
  3. Ko’odziej A., Dorza¤ski L., Krewniak R., Nowak S., Tadeusiewicz R.: Wielkopowierzchniowe, matrycowe sensory obrazu. Materia’y IV Konferencji Naukowej Czujniki Optoelektroniczne i Elektroniczne COE'96, Szczyrk 1996, ss. 89-93.
  4. Korohoda P., Grabska-Chrzastowska J.: Improvement of the Backpropagation Network Based Image Compression by Exploring the Quantisation Capabilities. Proc. of the 2nd Conference "Neural Networks and their Applications", Szczyrk, April/May, 1996a []
  5. Korohoda P., Grabska-Chrzastowska J.: An algorithm for digital image compression using backpropagation neural network with improved bit allocation. Proc. of the 7th International Conf. on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, Krakow, July 1996b []
  6. Mikrut Z., Rogoþ K.: Application of neural networks for detection of pathological tissues in ultrasonographic images of the liver, Elektrotechnics, 1996 (in Polish).
  7. Mikrut Z., Duda P.: Application of Neural Networks for Recognition of Objects in Log-polar Space, in: Proc. of  the 2nd Conference "Neural Networks and their Applications", Szczyrk, April/May, 1996 []
  8. Mikrut Z., Bubliþski Z., Popiela-Mizera A.: A Method of Linear "Star-sections" applied for Object Separation in ERCP Images. Proc. of the International Conference on Image Processing ICIP '96, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 16-19, 1996. []
  9. Ogiela M. : Skeletonization of Binary ERCP Images, Elektrotechnics, 1996, Vol. 15, Bulletin 1, pp. 33-53 (in Polish) []
  10. Ogiela M., Tadeusiewicz R.: Recognition of Some Types X-Ray Images for Medical Diagnosis, Proc. of the 2nd Japan-Polish Seminar on Contribution of Electrical and Electronicst Engineering to Biology and Medicine. Int. Centre of Biocybernetics, Warszawa 1996
  11. Tadeusiewicz R.: Finding of Optimal Structure of the Neural Network for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Invited Session on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Symposium, Warszawa, 1996
  12. Tadeusiewicz R.: Komputeryzacja procesu nauczania jako jedna z przes’anek adaptacji spo’ecze¤stwa do zachodz†cych przemian gospodarczych. W materia’ach IX Og¢lnopolskiego Konwersatorium nt. Sztuczna Inteligencja i Systemy Hybrydowe CIR'96, Siedlce, 1996
  13. Tadeusiewicz R. : Parallel Digital Implementations of Neural Networks, IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology - Systems & Applications, 1996
  14. Tadeusiewicz R., Wszo’ek W., Izworski A.: Zastosowanie sieci neuronowych oraz rozpoznawania obraz¢w w diagnostyce mowy zdeformowanej. Materia’y Kongeresu Diagnostyki Technicznej, Gda¤sk 1996, ss. 267-274
  15. Tadeusiewicz R., Wszolek W., Izworski A.: Symulacja przetwarzania informacji akustycznej w ni§szych pi‘trach systemu s’uchowego przy u§yciu sieci neuronowych. Materia’y III Warsztat¢w Naukowych PTSK, Wigry 1996
  16. Tadeusiewicz R., Wszolek W.: Pr¢ba wykorzystania sieci neuronowych typu ART1 w zadaniach oceny mowy patologicznej. referat, XLIII OSA, Gliwice-Ustro¤ 1996
  17. Tadeusiewicz R.: Cybernetyczny model komputeryzacji procesu nauczania dla cel¢w kszta’cenia ustawicznego, Materia’y IV Og¢lnopolskiej Konferencji "Nowoczesna Technika w Kulturze, Nauce i O¾wiacie", Tarn¢w 1996, ss. 161-186
  18. Tadeusiewicz R.: Cele i metody wprowadzania w bankach Centralnego Systemu Informatycznego, Digital Forum, nr 19, 1996, ss. 21-24
  19. Wiatr K.,Gorgoþ M., Kasperek J. Rajda P.J., Russek P., Brzozowski "Programmable Logical Devices in Electronic Engineering Education " Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and System- MIXED 96", L¢dY Poland 1996

Copyright 1997  Zbigniew Mikrut, Piotr Osinski, Nestcape Communicator
Last Modified: 05.12.1997